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$40/hour with a minimum of 10 Hours



Travel and other agreed-upon project costs billed at Purchase Price + 10%


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Project Examples of Fee Structure:

(* This is ONLY for example. Each Project Fee will vary and be negotiiated on a project-by-project basis.)


  • A Letter of Intent / Project Description / Scope of Work Packet Completed and Submitted to Potential Funder with no travel or on-site work required would typically be the base $400.


  • A "Funding Strategy Plan" for small non-profit organization would consist of grant research, initial contact with potential funder to ensure funding compatibility, work with organization to develop template grant language, and creation of Grant Matrix with all information received would typically take 20 hours for a $750 fee.


  • A full Grant Application Packet for a Government Agency complete with on-site Photos & Maps, Project Implementation Schedule, Budget Breakdown, etc would require significantly more time to produce and would include Reimbursables, thereby costing more. 


  • Project Management and Grant Documentation and Administration will vary and be charged on a per hour basis (+ Reimbursables).


In general, Government funding Applications and resulting projects  have more requirements and take more time to produce and manage than Private Foundation funding processes.



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